Mostly about my travels.

Tuesday, November 23, 2004

life at 20 stories

hahahahahahaha (maniacal cackle of relief)

well i'm finally done moving as of today, no more crap to put up with or stuff to get stolen! Still haggling with the landlord about my safety deposit, I'm willing to give him $100 to cover the ad he needs to put out, but not any more than that. I'm not the one who made it so all the paying tenants are leaving (that's right, the other girl is moving out too). Got my plants today, poor things are dying but hopefully southern sun will fix that. Haha, this room is so big I can fit a couch&loveseat in with room to spare! Picked up one for cheap, $100 and big and overstuffed just the way I like them (couches that is). The funny thing is the guy who's selling it is moving into my building! Coincidence? I seem to be having a lucky streak when it comes to buying furniture so far. Perhaps after I get paid I'll head down to IKEA to see if there are cheap futons for sale... I asked my friend about those Japanese futons but they're apparently not that cheap and not for people used to sleeping on beds. Owell, maybe I'll make my own uber-comfy futon. hehe, handy-Ange is here!

One of the best things is that I can see the sky again! Living in the basement made me realize that I'm not cut out to be a miner/submariner/anything underground. Sky would be lovely except it's been overcast since I moved in; can't wait till it clears up and stars come out :)

Was watching CBC Newsworld today and they did a special on the hassles of fire insurance claimage. Seems that if you don't have your possessions listed and priced within 6 months of the fire, you don't get reimbursed. And for someone with a house, that's a hell of a lot of stuff to remember, on top of the trauma of the event itself. They reccommend making a list of all your worldly possessions and saving the bills of major items, storing them away from your home. As well, insurers won't always agree with you on what is damaged or not, so sometimes public adjustors (i.e. consultants) come in to do mediation. Holy geez, lots involved! So remember kids, don't play with matches... without making a list :P

Work is going well, the code is coming along. Got it to register the images pretty well, just have a few glitches with the fit parameter application into k-space. It works for the first cardiac phase, but then somehow squeezes the images vertically so they get shorter and flatter as the series progresses... >_< Debated with my prof whether we really need to correct for deformation due to respiration (physiological effects); maybe later we can leave it in but the current stage calls for breath-hold-like quality, i.e. no deformation from the reference. I still think that for diagnosis we shouldn't alter the deformation; sometimes things show up in the inspiration phase that normally wouldn't in the expiration phase. Blah.

Note to self: give Jane $4 for Girl Guide cookies. I feel a binge coming on... >:P

cheers, sky-happy Ange

twinkly... so pretty

View from my window... sweet! Posted by Hello


Monday, November 15, 2004

whoo! new place!

got a sweet new place and it's huge! Which is why it's so damn expensive, but hey, I've basically lived in crappy places for 4 years (well, except for Garneau) so may as well live it up for the next 2. I'm getting paid anyways so it's not that big a problem.

College Plaza is 2 blocks from my office so super close. Lots of stuff inside too (pool, gym, library/theatre etc) so won't be bored. Still on Whyte though so can walk to... er... "fun" (I swear I'm not drinking, honest! :P) My friends live north, south, east and west of me within a 20 block radius so it's fairly central. I don't know what it is about this area, cheap housing = lots of students?

The view is awesome, you can pretty much see the horizon from my bachelor apartment on the 20th floor. Plus the south side is pretty at night. Maybe can see Calgary? ...

I've got pictures of the space (for before and after comparison when I move out), but I packed my transfer cable >_<>:P

cheers, hyper Ange

Sunday, November 07, 2004

i'm out

Well, I'm out. Of this house that is. Fucking roommates. It just seems like a lot of little things accumulated until stuff that happened this weekend pushed me over the edge.

Dirty, okay. Lazy, okay. More of my stuff got smashed in the last two months than in the past 4 years, irritating but not worth getting excited about. But when they start having beerfests virtually every weekend, their asshole friends crash right outside my door and my bedroom door is opened at 3 AM, that's where I draw the line. I'm fed up with living in a huge house but virtually staying in my room all the time because I don't want to deal with drunk bastards. I've lived on my own for 4 years+, and now that I have a steady income, I'm not going to put up with this crap anymore. Not to mention that the neighbour's basement got flooded by the same assholes leaving a garden hose on last night, and he's suing the landlord. I'm not even sure they're their friends, because they have a habit of leaving the doors unlocked.

I don't know when I'll move out, probably either the end of this month or the beginning of February (I'm back in the 'Peg for Christmas so can't move out then). I'd like to stay in the same area, maybe a few blocks north or south or something. I've got a lot of friends who live around here, maybe they know of a vacancy. All I know is, even if the situation improves, I'm out. After living alone for 2 years, I've realized that I can't live with roommates, especially drunk hosers like these.

cheers, pissed off Ange