Mostly about my travels.

Saturday, June 03, 2006

Various vacation/conference pics

Hey all, long time no post! I've been super busy with conferences and vacations and such, jetting all over the place. Various pic galleries from Seattle and Vancouver Island are posted elsewhere since there are a million and one pictures.

I am currently writing my paper/thesis for completion in July hopefully, then defending in August and graduating the hell out of here. I'm not exactly bitter, but doing grad studies makes me realise that I'm not interested in the politics and sucking up, I just want to work on my research and leave the marketing up to other people.

Afterwards, will hopefully figure out if I want to go to Winnipeg or stay in Edmonton to work for a few months at some random job to save up money for China! I'm hoping to travel for a month or two, probably around the Pacific Rim area. Yi is applying to med schools in Australia, so I might stop by there and be a surf bum for a few weeks. It'll be weird to just travel around and hike and stuff, but I need to take a break from all this craziness. Maybe I'll try to climb a few mountains and visit the temples, meditate under a waterfall or something.

Afterwards, who knows? I might try to find a job in industry somewhere, got a couple of leads in Seattle at the conference. I pretty much don't want to work in the States, but if Duncan knows a couple of guys in San Francisco who work at medical startups, that might be an option as well. I like Edmonton, but I've stayed there long enough. Time to move on.

Bob and Cassie got married (congrats!) this weekend, they're so cute together! :D It's true what Chris said, they complement each other perfectly. With all the wedding craziness, didn't get to talk to them too much, but owell. Paul and Chris are still the same (relatively), getting along in their various careers (Paul just graduated CivE, got his iron ring too). Stop calling me lungfish dammit! :P Didn't see Daming or Evy, maybe not around? We should have a big reunion in 4 years for the big 10, coming up so soon already! Will put up the pics soon, probably in the next few days.

anyways, heading back to Edmonton the next day so gotta sleep.

cheers, Ange
