Woohoo!! Personal spaceflight, here we come!! Burt Ruttan and Scaled Composites just won the X-Prize by launching their SpaceshipOne for the second time within two weeks yesterday morning. No rolling this time, and the pilot even had time to play with weightlessness and take pictures. They have a telecast of the event at
www.xprize.org. The other teams will keep going, and the foundation holding the competition is looking into further events, maybe an annual thing. Maybe in a decade we'll have commercial spaceflight...
And a new game for PS2 out, Katamari Damashii. It's basically rolling a sticky ball around to rebuild the stars, but apparently hilariously addictive. Here's a reference to it from Radioactive Panda:
http://www.radioactivepanda.com/index.htm (October 4th strip)
Well, Mom's visit has come and gone, pretty fun. I'd put up some pics that we took, but she'd kill me. :P Pretty fun, we went out for dinner with some friends near the end of the week, and basically walked all over town. Hehe, ate so much that I have to have a rice and fish diet again... plus went to B'dette's house with Jess for her dog Akane's b-day, stayed until about 1 talking about random stuff with her and Ernie (Arthur? I can't remember >_<). She gave us both a lot of food to take home, so with Mom's stuff and hers, I'm set for meals this week! Yay!
Watched a lot of kung-fu movies with Mom at night, have realized that I can rent DVD's now, so will probably do the rent-burn thing. Once in awhile anyways. Have to finish watching my own stuff on the PC first.
Got the references from Dr. Fallone, seems that he didn't read any of my e-mails after the first one. >_<;; Well, the result is what matters I guess. Handed in the AHFMR directly, they have a nice office!! Bell Tower is super-spiffy. GRA is also done, just have to finish up the 75th Anniversary which isn't due until the 18th.
Anyways, I'm busy goofing off, so more later. Katamari Damashii!!
cheers, Ange