Mostly about my travels.

Thursday, August 19, 2004 this sucks

... well, Canada not doing as well as hoped. Oh well. Maybe Week 2 will be better.

Just as a reminder to myself:

Friday: 8 AM - Hospital appt @ Plaster Room, Dr. Goplen
11 AM - Meeting with Dr. Thompson @ Biomed Cafe
Afternoon - install DVD burner without dropping screwdriver inside :P

I've finally decided what courses I'm taking next year. Cardiac Physiology and BME 564 are the two main ones, but I couldn't ever find a third course to take. I decided to stick with the intro to Physiology because it's easy and I can learn the physics elsewhere (which is actually the opposite of what most grad students do... owell). Boning up on MATLAB again, after 2 weeks of slacking. ^^;; C-spline interpolation, anyone?

I've lost almost all the muscle I gained last year on my left leg, which is worrying. When I can finally put weight on the leg, I might collapse instead. hehe, should take a picture comparing the two just for interest's sake (anorexic on one side, athletic on the other).

Well, gotta get my documents in to be able to claim medicare expenses.

cheers, Ange the gimp


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