Mostly about my travels.

Tuesday, August 10, 2004

Sweet Mother of God, I'm Alive!

Haha, sorry I missed your call yesterday. Got to the hospital at 4:30, didn't leave until 1 in the morning (!). Waited 3 hours at the triage/waiting room, then 1 hour in the treatment room, then spent 4 1/2 hours going between the treatment room and radiology for x-rays. It was weird, they could only see the fracture clearly on the lateral view, but not the anterior-posterior or oblique views. Finally my doctor (didn't ever catch his name, wasn't Dr. Goplen though) decided that it had been a "crown" fracture, where just the top of the front bit was cracked.


He also thought it to be highly unlikely that the ACL was torn, as he could feel a definite endpoint (? Dad you might be able to decipher this statement, I have no idea what it means). It (or the MCL) might be damaged still, but he can't tell because of the general pain due to swelling in that area. Only time can tell.

Prescription? Rest and immobilisation, non-weightbearing, and see Dr. Goplen for follow-up in two weeks. Sweet!!!

Now I have to sleep (man, waiting around tires you out).

cheers, sleepy Ange


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