Mostly about my travels.

Sunday, December 11, 2005

Sugar high + procrastination = art

just goes to show inspiration comes from strange places... was baking chocolate cookies and watching the pride and prejudice BBC miniseries when I got the urge to make coasters out of my old data CD/DVDs.

1) Sand off the CD film (can leave partially on), ensure that all area is rough for adhesion of acrylic emulsion.

2) Cut out patterns from newspaper/stamped paper/whatever is cool-looking to fit to CD.

3) Coat CD sanded surface with micaceous iron oxide (MIO) acrylic emulsion.

4) Before it dries, place cutouts in desired layout.

5) After letting the MIO dry, coat surface with gloss gel medium to waterproof.

Will give these out at Xmas as "cool-looking but ultimately useless" gifts. :P

(top two) front design (bottom two) back "design" - whatever is left of CD film



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